Uh, Hi there. There seems to be a lot of new faces coming around, so I figured I'd just say a few words. Uh, go Buckeyes! (I have no idea why I'm linked there.) Although, I do like the band Garbage, uh, thanks for the heads up, Marcy. (Yes, I'm a big fat loser and look at my referrer logs. Leave me alone.) Oh, so anyway, this is a 'personal web page.' Or, if you prefer, 'It's just a fucking web page.' You can sign up for my occassional mailing list over there at the top left. Basic site navigation is over there, bottom left. I use frames because it makes my life easier. And I use them well. Over at the bottom right are more 'archive' type things, your 'what's new' stuff and crap like that. Uh, enjoy your stay. Tell me how you like it. Or hate it. I usually reply to mail at some point in time. 11/01/99 uReach : web pundits, this is your kind of place. |
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